Monday, August 18, 2008

What happens when a physicist tricks those who aren't as smart as he?

Hilarity ensues:

"Transgressing the Boundaries: Towards a Transformative Hermeneutics of Quantum Gravity." Sokal then revealed the article to be a spoof, a tissue of nonsense that he had painstakingly assembled in order to parody the portentous rubbish that flew under the colors of postmodernism.


The reviewers feel many of those laughing the loudest should shut up because they likely can not understand modern physics. But who can blame them because science education destroys creativity. If you can't trust science, what can you trust? We can't walk around pretending we are in a matix! We have to accept reality and use what science give us to deal with reality.

I had heard of the trick but I hadn't thought too deeply about it until now.

Friday, June 17, 2005

Arthur Miller and who you are

Read it here Tell me can your political beliefs be separated from WHO YOU ARE?

Can your religion be separated from who you are?

Saturday, June 11, 2005

Can Robots Have Feelings?

This was a secondary ALDAILY discovery...Dylan Evans researches whether robots have emotions. Here is his home page. Personally I think the engineers who make such robots are amazing.

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Grade inflation

We all know grade inflation exists...but what's fucked up is that I haven't taken more advantage of the pestering = higher grades...WHat difference would it have made anyways? You get what you get in this world by what you create not a damn fucking grade!!!

Never gotten a rebate!


I've never gotten a rebate in my life. I'm so damn tired of that crap! I go out of my way to buy things that have NOTHING to do with rebates!!!

Thursday, May 19, 2005

The New Yorker: Fact

The New Yorker: Fact: "attention in class, to sleep, and to cure sexual dysfunction. The fact that tens of thousands of "

The medicalization of America. It's so true...I see it as a teacher.

Sunday, May 15, 2005

World news from The Times and the Sunday Times - Times Online

World news from The Times and the Sunday Times - Times Online: "vituperation are certainly lower than in English. Even"

The Japanese respect certainly didn't matter much on December 7, 1944. But their little show won't last with the Internet bringing American crap :) haha.

Monday, May 09, 2005

Citizens in uniform vs. dehumanized parts of a cog

Check it out. Americans and British couldn't defeat the Germans when they met. But you know what? They won. The Russians will be remembered for "indulging in the greatest act of gang rape in history against millions of women in Hungary, Austria, and eastern Germany".

Much of the article was information I already knew. I did NOT know the Germans were aLWAYS superior on the battlefield.